Allergy Desensitization
See how Mary overcame allergies using A/SERT!
A/SERT (Allergy / Sensitivity Elimination and Reprogramming Technique
is a revolutionary treatment system based on the principles of chiropractic, acupuncture, and applied kinesiology (muscle response testing). Dr. John Brimhall developed this technique. A/SERT can bring about dramatic improvement for all types of allergies.
A/SERT Desensitization – the A/SERT practitioner stimulates key points along the patient’s spine while the client is holding the potential/probable allergen he/she stimulates certain meridian points- specific organs and lobes of the brain with a low level laser. a chemical change takes place in the autonomic nervous system, neutralizing allergic reactions to the substance A/SERT reprograms the brain and the nervous system, and eliminates your body’s conditioned response to the “allergen”.