Detoxing Footbath
Detoxing Footbath
The EB 305 is designed and developed to restore the body’s energy and balance while facilitating its natural detoxification process. It has been proven in clinical trials to balance and restore the body’s electromagnetic energy. The EB 305 uses state-of-the-art research and development to provide a form of energy that the body can readily use. This type of energy is called Bioenergetic/Life Energy. The Erchonia EB-305 was designed to create ION fields in order to detoxify and balance the overall energy in the body.
An Ion is a charged atom or molecule. This charge can be either positive or negative. These ions want to naturally negate their charge back neither to positive or negative but rather a stable position. Ions then seek out things of opposite polarity to negate that charge. The EB-305 device takes advantage of that natural occurrence to remove the unwanted toxins and other harmful free radicals from within the body that are stored within the body. By using the foot bath and water as a vessel to transmit this Ionic charge, the body will naturally absorb this energy force through the meridian points within the feet.