Meet Jen Patriarca
Jen’s Office Hours
Monday: 9am-1pm
Tuesday: 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month from 2pm-6:30pm
Wednesday: Out of Office
Thursday: 2pm-6:30pm
Friday: Out of Office
Saturday & Sunday: Closed
Services Include:
Her Services include:
JMT (Jaffe Mellow Technique)
Heart Sound Recorder
Nutrition Response Testing
I am a functional nutritionist, focusing on finding the root cause of low energy, failing metabolism, poor sleep and hormonal imbalances.
I struggled with depression, anxiety, and horrible periods all through my teens and college. I started having panic attacks after college and realized that I couldn’t live my life like this anymore. I started looking into the root of anxiety, depression, and painful periods with someone trained in functional nutrition. What I found was I needed to replenish my minerals and other micronutrients, balance my blood sugar by eating more consistently, address the inflammation in my gut, handle my emotions through tapping (emotional freedom technique) and address the constant stress with HeartMath, a proven technique to interrupt the stress response.
What I discovered is that although this is normal for many people, when you find the root cause of these health challenges and address them, vibrant health comes organically. What follows is more joy, more presence with the people you love, and the ability to serve where needed, whether that is at work, at home or both. Because isn’t that what it’s all about, showing up for the people that matter most?
What I Specialize In
Feel Less Tired and Stressed
Optimizing digestion
Establish Nutrient Dense Eating Habits
Restorative Sleep
Metabolism Support
Personalized Nutrition Plan
Ways I can Support You
Functional Nutritional Assessment
We will look at all aspects of your well-being including your history, diet, lifestyle habits, nutritional factors as well as mindset. Looking for the root cause of your imbalances and how best to support those through diet changes, stress reduction and supplementation would be addressed.
1:1 Functional Wellness Package
Deep dive into your contributing factors of health including, extensive history, diet, lifestyle habits, nutritional factors, mindset, and emotional wellbeing. Review of any available blood labs (additional recommendations for labs, will be made, if needed) . Comprehensive plan based on findings, balancing body systems including diet changes, supplementation, techniques to support emotional balance and lifestyle changes. Educational support about lifestyle and diet changes as well as email access M-F.
Supplement Consultation
Are you confused by all the supplements on the market and what you should be taking? What brand? How often? Let me help. After 19 years in the supplement industry, I can give you clarity on what you should be taking on a daily basis for foundational health.
Meet the Team